Gallery T

Gallery T introduces the work of teachers from other art colleges and the work of student studios. The presentation of the author's work takes place through individual, collective or thematic exhibitions from all areas of art.

The ambition of the gallery team is to foment interest in students and the general public in contemporary art, to humanize the university environment, and to develop informal contacts with other universities through student exhibitions.

The exhibition program of Gallery T is designed and professionally guaranteed by the Gallery Board composed of five members, teachers of the Department of Art, Visual Culture and Textile Studies at the Faculty of Education, UHK.

Gallery Board

Mgr. and MgA. Petra Filipova, Ph.D. (curator of Gallery T)
PhDr. Vlastimil Havlík, Ph.D.
Mgr. art. Mária Hromadová, ArtD.
doc. Jaroslava Severová, ak. mal.
Mgr. and Mgr. Klára Zářecká, Ph.D.

Gallery T is located in building A on the Na Soutoku campus of the University of Hradec Králové.


t: +420 493 332 601