About the Conference

International Conference on Inclusion of People with Special Educational Needs – ICIPSEN

Conference Topic:

Current Issues and Opportunities in the Field of Intervention for People with Special Needs


The international scientific conference is thematically oriented in the field of intervention for people with specific needs. In particular, current trends (but not only) in the field of special pedagogical support for people with disabilities of all age ranges are reflected, both in the national and international level. The conference creates an opportunity for intradisciplinary and interdisciplinary sharing of expertise and practical experience of experts participating in the intervention of individuals with special needs - special educators, educators, clinical speech therapists, clinical psychologists, physicians, social workers, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, etc. We believe that the conference will create space for professional discussion of theoretical-practical character, as well as exchanging inspiring ideas for theory and practice.


Languages of the ICIPSEN

Czech, Slovak, English.

One thematic area will be entirely in English.

The main programme of the conference will be simultaneously translated into and from English, and translated into Czech sign language.