University of Hradec Králové is looking for Postdoctoral Fellows

Date: 01/05/2024

Postdoctoral Positions are offered to enhance existing and develop new research teams at the University of Hradec Králové (hereinafter referred to as “UHK”).

General Criteria:

  1. The applicant must be a postdoctoral researcher according to the following definition: “A postdoctoral researcher is a researcher within 7 years after obtaining the Ph.D. degree title or its foreign equivalent”. If the applicant does not have the Ph.D. degree title, his/her title must correspond to ISCED Level 8 (International Standard Classification of Education).
  2. The applicant has accomplished doctoral studies abroad or at any university in the Czech Republic except for the UHK. Inbreeding is not allowed.
  3. The applicant must have a very good knowledge of English.
  4. The applicant must have a relevant publication activity. The results achieved within the last 5 years will be evaluated. The relevant publications are publications registered in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database of the JCR index (type "article", "letter" and "review"). In the fields of the SSH disciplines, SJR SCOPUS index is relevant (type "article", "book", "book chapter", "letter" and "review") or field-relevant "book" or "book chapters".
  5. Compliance of the applicant's research activity with a prospective research area at the UHK Faculty of Education (with a specific workplace – departments, laboratories, etc.).
  6. The researcher is obliged to actively participate in one conference/seminar/workshop/online presentation organized by the UHK, every 6 months of the employment.
  7. The employment must last between 6 and 34 months. The employment can start from 1 March 2024 and must end no later than on 31 December 2026.
  8. The researcher must be at least a half-time employee of the UHK and his/her place of employment must be in the Czech Republic.


  1. Supervisor from the UHK;
  2. Employment for a fixed period of 6-34 months;
  3. Part time or full-time job;
  4. Place of employment in the Czech Republic;
  5. Employment at a dynamic young university with a very good ranking and excellent research results;
  6. The estimated gross monthly wage with obligatory employer’s and employee’s deductions (taxes, social and health insurance) is 2, 350 EUR (full-time employment), the estimated gross monthly wage with obligatory employee’s deductions is 1, 725 EUR (full-time employment) and the estimated net monthly wage is 1, 370 EUR (full-time employment).

Required documents

  1. Completed form Annex No. 1: Application form for 2024-2026 Postdoctoral Job Positions at the University of Hradec Králové;
  2. Diploma (and/or its recognition) – a simple copy;
  3. Professional CV – max. 2 pages;
  4. List of all achieved scientific results – max. 2 pages;
  5. Project Proposal, including the schedule of research work (a free form including a description of the plan of research activities and expected results; a Gantt diagram can be added) – max. 2 pages;
  6. Email consent of a potential supervisor from the UHK Faculty of Education, that he/she agree to this role in the event of the selection of a postdoctoral fellow.

All the documents described above can be submitted by 21 January 2024. Please submit the application in an electronic form to Veronika Hrůzová ( For more information contact Veronika Hrůzová, coordinator of postdoctoral positions (