UHK News, Employees 10/12/2023

Higher education institutions protest at UHK

The Academic Senate of the University of Hradec Králové (AS UHK) expresses support for the strike scheduled for October 17, 2023, organized by the initiators of the "Hodina pravdy" protest. At UHK, there will be a one-hour strike organized by the University Trade Union Association of UHK.

The aim of the protesters is to draw attention to the underfunding of higher education institutions in the Czech Republic, and the protest will be carried out under the slogan "Universities at a Crossroads." In the initiators' statement, it is mentioned that "despite the arguments put forth by the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports regarding the acceptable state of higher education funding, they are dealing with the prospect of a continued, severe decline in this area (as compared to OECD countries) and the negative consequences for higher education institutions, including UHK."

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