
Mgr. Jiří Klouda, Ph.D.

Workplace: FF - Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
research fellow

UHK Publications

JAROŠ, Filip, J. KLOUDA. Introduction. In: Adolf Portmann: A Thinker of Self-Expressive Life, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-67809-8.

KLOUDA, Jiří. The “New Morphology” Between Biology and Philosophy: The Hermeneutic Dimension of Portmann’s Thought. In: Adolf Portmann: A Thinker of Self-Expressive Life, Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2021. ISBN 978-3-030-67809-8.

KLOUDA, Jiří. Hermeneutický rozměr Portmannovy teoretické biologie. Reflexe. 2020, 58 (January), 75-99. ISSN 0862-6901.