Research and development projects

The faculty offers organizations the opportunity to cooperate in projects focused on research, development, innovation, and human resources development.

In addition to the traditional themes corresponding to the name of our faculty, i.e. informatics and management, the faculty also pursues other research activities involving both academic staff and students through the various stages of study. Emphasis is placed on creative activities that are supported by various projects at the faculty, national and international levels.

Due to the extensive possibilities of grant programs it is also possible to implement a wide range of scientific, research or applied projects together with companies, when they also receive funding to cover their time and cooperation devoted to a joint project. Through the Collaboration with Practice portal, companies or institutions can actively participate in the realization of the Faculty's research and development goals.

Recently, we have focused on the very popular areas of cloud computing, mobile computing systems, computer modeling and simulation and biomedical informatics, where we cooperate with industry partners and other scientific research institutions in the region and throughout the Czech Republic.

Cooperation is also developed in the field of eLearning or management and marketing studies.