FF News, International 04/07/2021

Lecture by the Ambassador of Argentina Roberto Salafia

Date of Event: 04/13/2021 11:35–13:05

If you want to attend the lecture, please contact assistant professor Karel Kouba (karel.kouba@uhk.cz). 

The question of the Malvinas Islands is a sovereignty dispute between the Argentine Republic and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland over the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands and the surrounding maritime areas. It is a priority issue for Argentina`s foreign policy. Since the British occupation in 1833 and the removal of the local authorities, Argentina has systematically objected to this action and ratified its intention to recover this territory, in accordance with international law. In April 1982, the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina plunged the country into an armed conflict but the war did not change the nature of the sovereignty dispute over the Malvinas Islands, for which negotiations and resolution are still pending. The BREXIT effects brings new hopes for the resumption of negotiations in order to find a peaceful solution to this controversy.


One of the most ambitious integrations processes in the world, MERCOSUR, celebrates 30 years since its founding. The Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) was founded upon the signing of the Treaty of Asuncion in 1991 by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay. The bloc is a historic achievement in the region and one of the major milestones in Latin American economic integration, which was intended to overcome the previous logic of rivalry between the countries and establish cooperation dynamics. With a population of almost 300 million and an area of about 15 million square kilometers (50% larger than the European continent and almost as large as Russia), MERCOSUR is known for its great natural resources and food potential. The lecture will address the achievements as well as challenges of this integration process.