About Us

Study Programmes

The Department of Mathematics guarantees teaching in Bachelor’s study programmes of the Financial and Insurance Mathematics and Mathematics Focused on Education, in Master's study programme of Teacher Training for the 2nd Level of the Primary Schools – Mathematics, and in the follow-up study programme of Teacher Training of Mathematics for Secondary Schools. It also provides education of mathematics for students of the study programme for the 1st Level of the Primary School Teacher Training and Kindergarten Teacher Training.


Science and Research

The Department of Mathematics of FoS UHK consists of three divisions:

The Division of Technical Mathematics guarantees teaching in technical mathematical disciplines across the aforementioned fields of study. The division members focus on modern differential geometry and related topics, specifically to pseudo-Riemann geometry, affine geometry, singularity varieties, variational geometry, but also to optimization, non-smooth analysis, algebraic and elementary number theory, and others. This Devision organizes a Seminar of Geometry and Topology in which apart from the department’s members guests from  other universities of the Czech Republic as well as guests from other countries, for example the experts from Argentina, Poland, Romania, Russia, Greece, Slovakia, Serbia or Ukraine participate and present their results and lectures.

The Division of Financial Mathematics (providing teaching of the Financial and Insurance Mathematics) focuses on the research in the applied mathematics, especially in the areas of finance, insurance and economics. The Division cooperates with financial, banking and insurance institutions. Thanks to this cooperation our students have the opportunity of work experience in them during their studies, or after graduating they can start their professional career in these institutions. With the same goal, the Division prepares lectures and seminars presented by personalities with practical experience in the field.

The Division of Didactics of Mathematics is dedicated to preparing future mathematics teachers. It provides teaching of mathematical subjects, didactic subjects and supervision of teaching training in cooperation with colleagues from primary and secondary schools. The Division staff also study current trends in the mathematics education in an interdisciplinary and historical context. The Division also organises a Seminar on Mathematical Education where experienced teachers present their knowledge, skills and experience. This way both the academic world  and experienced teachers get connected and they enrich each other. Last but not least, the Division participates in preparation of mathematical competitions.

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