
National Research Foundation of Korea - new partner of Department of Chemistry

Research team led by associate professor Kamil Musílek has become coresearcher in Visegrad Group (V4)-Korea Joint Research Program financed by National Research Foundation of Korea and Visegrad Group.

Tha main researcher is Korean Research Institute of Chemical Technology. Other partners include Jagellonian University of Krakow a Semmelweis University of Budapest. 
"This project is based on our long term cooperation with korean partner which has started in 2006. This is our 3rd collective project," says associate professor Kamil Musílek. 
The first kick-off meeting was held at the Faculty of Science of the UHK on October 27, 2017. The joint project is aimed at alleviating the toxic effects of hazardous chemical compounds on human health. Each of the partners have their own tasks in the project, to which the other workplaces follow. 
"Our task in the project is to prepare and isolate the so-called recombinant proteins that we pass to our partners to test the detoxification of dangerous chemical compounds from the organism," adds Mgr. Monika Schmidt, Ph.D. and PharmDr. Adam Skarka, Ph.D.
Foreign colleagues appreciated the new premises of the UHK Faculty of Science and enjoyed the facilities university provides to academics and students and the city itself: "Our Korean colleagues have visited Hradec Králové for the third time and are always excited about the historical center of the city as well as the campus of the university. It is a big difference from the often overtheated Korean metropolis. We hope they will come back to us again. The meeting on interim results of the project will take place next year in Krakow, Poland, and Daejeon, South Korea," concludes Kamil Musílek.