PřF Conferences & Events 03/30/2018

Lukáš Vízek: Josef Úlehla (1852-1933) - new monograph of the Department of Mathematics

Date of Event: 03/30/2018

Mgr. Lukáš Vízek, Ph.D. from the Department of Mathematics FoS UHK published a work on Josef Ulehla - Czech remarkable teacher.

Josef Úlehla (1852-1933) was a Czech pedagogue working in general and citizens' schools, teaching natural science subjects and mathematics. During his life he has published dozens of writings. He wrote popularizing books, textbooks of mathematics and natural science for schools, magazine articles, reviews and translations of foreign-language texts. He belonged to the circle of our reform teachers in the first half of the 20th century. His views on education and education have already been described and appreciated in a number of studies. However, an important part of his work still remained in the background.
"I focused mainly om Ulehla's mathematical work, which has not yet been evaluated. I consider it as a contribution to the history of the teaching of mathematics, pedagogy and education in the Czech lands", describes Vízek the concept of his book, which he briefly called Josef Úlehla (1852-1933) and published under the Gaudeamus University Publishing House as the 62nd volume of the special monographs of the History of Mathematics (full text is available in the electronic library of Czech Digital Mathematics Library, see http://dml.cz/handle/10338.dmlcz/404328).
 "Although Ulehla's work was published many years ago, I think it makes sense to read it also today. It is incredibly inspiring in many ways. Fascinating was his broad range of knowledge of mathematics and other disciplines and ability to bring it in texts. It is even more fascinating knowing that he has been a self-taught all his life, "concludes Lukáš Vízek.